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Friday Summary: Amity Shlaes on growth winning elections; Art Laffer on Obama’s tax claims.

Politics and Government
From Investors Business Daily, Amity Shlaes and Mathew Denhart explain why politicians should focus on growth to win elections.
Monetary Reform
In TGSN, Ralph Benko compares the current US monetary policy to the arrogance of Nixon Treasury Secretary John Connally (who went bankrupt): “The dollar is our currency, but it’s your problem”
Detlev Schlichter argues we are on the road to serfdom 
Art Laffer on President Obama’s tax claims 

At LJ World, Matt Erickson discusses Art Laffer’s prescription for an economic 

In The WSJ, Stephen Moore doubts the November election will change the GOP’s stance on taxes
On Truth in Pensions, Rich Danker writes on Florida’s pension stress test
In The Rockford Register Star, Sara Burnett states that Rahmn Emanuel vows full court press on pension reform. 

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