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Monday items: Domitrovic and Stoll on the new Nobel Laureate; Benko on US/China currency debate; Mundell on the Greek debt problem.

From Forbes, Brian Domitrovic adds the new economics Nobel Laureate, Thomas Sargent, to the growing list of Phillips Curve debunkers.

In The NY Sun, Ira Stoll notes Sargent’s skepticism of Keynesian stimulus.

From last week’s Roll Call, Ralph Benko argues the floating dollar’s reserve status is responsible for the US/China trade imbalance.

Also from last week on Bloomberg, Robert Mundell explains that a Greek default would spread damage to the US:

At RCM, Bretton Woods Research suggests the Occupy Wall Street protestors are motivated by the monetary-induced weak economy.

On Business Week, Caroline Baum claims a flat tax would reduce the corruption opposed by the Occupy Wall Street protestors.

From Herald Scotland, Antony Akilade provides a detailed history of gold and fiat currency.

At Future of Capitalism, Ira Stoll rebuts the claim that the 1950s and 1990s prove that high taxes can correspond with high growth eras.

On The Kudlow Report, James Pethokoukis discusses the Tea Party’s hostility towards GE:


From International Liberty, Dan Mitchell argues Republicans should make no deal on the budget and allow the sequestration process to run its course.

On Forbes, John Tamny reports from the Nantucket Project on innovation.

At his blog, David Frum outlines what Republicans get wrong on economics, some of which is good but he includes “it is wrong to fetishize the exchange value of the dollar against other currencies.”

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