Monday round up: Reynolds on tax rates; Benko on growth; Kaldec on monetary reform.

From Cato, Alan Reynolds responds to Robert Reich’s critique of Reynolds’ recent WSJ column.

On Forbes, Ralph Benko continues his growth vs. budget cuts debate with NRO’s Kevin Williamson.

In Forbes, Charles Kadlec advocates a quantity-based monetary policy to ensure monetary quality.

On The Kudlow Report, Steve Forbes debates cutting foreign repatriation taxes:

Also at Forbes, John Tamny suggests Americans know the economy is weak and will vote accordingly.

In The WSJ, George H.W. Bush economist Michael Boskin advises deficit hawks.

USA Today casts the 2012 election as a debate over economic philosophy.

In Newsweek, President Clinton offers ideas for improving the economy, though except for cutting the corporate tax rate, it’s mostly demand-side small ball. He omits the key ingredient of his own tenure, a stable dollar.

On Kudlow, Steve Forbes discusses the Greek debt crisis and the dollar:

At RCM, Robert Samuelson wonders why so many US jobs go unfilled.

On Bloomberg, Simon Johnson cites floating exchange rates as a vital tool to handling financial crises.

From The WSJ, James Freeman suggests Rick Perry’s job record will make him a strong candidate.

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