Post-election Summary: NBC highlights Sunlight Foundation’s findings how Karl Rove and others squandered a billion dollars; Ralph Benko, in argues that political transformation has always come from the House, not the White House, and is about to emerge again; Ted Cruz’s Senate victory points a path to the GOP’s future.

Politics and Government

Ralph Benko, in argues that political transformation has always come from the House, not the White House, and is about to emerge again

NBC highlights Sunlight Foundation’s findings how Karl Rove and others squandered a billion dollars-showing how overdone the left’s hysteria about big money in politics

Ted Cruz on how taxes destroy jobs.

From Forbes, Mark Adomanis says that Russia’s demographics continue to rapidly improve.

Tax Policy

Boehner floats a major deal with loophole closing tax hikes in return for Dem spending cuts

Monetary Reform

At Forbes, Steve Forbes criticizes hostility toward the gold standard.

From Plata, Hugo Salinas Price discusses the use of gold coins as money.

On TGSN, Ralph Benko writes on Keynes and Churchill’s dispute over gold; the price of the dollar in gold

In The Independant, Dominic Frisby says our money is killing the economy.

The Gold Standard Institute urges unadulterated gold standard.

Detlev Schlichter argues the ‘anything goes’ monetary policies that are currently under discussion.

In, Ralph Benko reprises Wanniski on the critical importance of the gold standard to get from 2% to 4% economic growth


On WISTV, John O’Connor reports on the failure of the Illinois pension amendment.

In Governing, Charles Chieppo describes a simple way to improve pensions.

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