Stephen Moore Points to Early Signs of Inflation

Policy and Government

At KMJ Now, Stephen Moore points to early signs of inflation.

At Forbes (via YouTube), Steve Forbes warns that a bubble burst and higher inflation are coming.

At National Review, George Leef lays waste to the notion that government spending creates prosperity.

At the Independent Institute, Craig Eyermann asks, where did all the COVID-19 relief money go?

At the Cato Institute, Chris Edwards argues that when it comes to climate change, governments should first do no harm.

At the Cato Institute, Ryan Bourne examines the unintended consequences of anti-price gouging laws during the pandemic.


At Fox Business, Forbes warns that tax increases will whack an economic recovery.

At Fox Business (via the Media Research Center), Art Laffer joins Larry Kudlow to rip the Democrats’ plan to increase taxes.

At Fox Business, Laffer argues that the Biden administration wants to punish the rich with his tax hike proposal.

At Fox Business, Kudlow warns that Biden is reversing incentives to work.

At the Daily Torch, Catherine Mortensen warns that Biden’s tax increase plan will destroy free markets and any hope of an economic recovery.


At the Cato Institute, Ryan Bourne and Erin Partin make the case against two Biden nominees hailing from the hipster antitrust movement.

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore

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