Tuesday items: Kadlec on JP Morgan; Benko on sound money; Romney on tax cuts.

From Forbes, Charles Kadlec explains how the market disciplined JP Morgan.

At Forbes, Ralph Benko argues sound money is needed for the economy to boom.

On Face the Nation, Mitt Romney advocates balancing the budget through tax cuts and growth:

In a later segment, Romney discusses monetary policy:

BOB SCHIEFFER: The Federal Reserve, as I understand, is going to meet this week to weigh the possibility of a new economic stimulus for our economy. Now, you didn’t think much of the last stimulus. What do you think they should do now–is it time for another?

MITT ROMNEY: Well, the QE2, as it’s called, which was a monetary stimulus, did not have the desired effect. It was not extraordinarily harmful, but it does put in question, the future value of the dollar, and will, obviously, encourage some inflation down the road. A QE3 would do the same thing. I know how it is. Politicians in office want to do everything they can just before an election to try and temporarily boost something, but the potential threat down the road of inflation is something which we have to be aware of, and at the last QE2, the last monetary stimulus, did not put Americans back to work, did not raise our home values, did not bring jobs back to this country or encourage small businesses to open their doors. What’s wrong with our economy is that our government has been warring against small, middle, and large businesses. And people in the business world are afraid to make investments and to hire people. I want to make it very clear that in my administration, government will see it as the friend of enterprise and job creators, and we’ll start building jobs again.

On Bloomberg, Ramesh Ponnuru profiles Grover Norquist.

At The American, James Pethokoukis defends Grover for opposing a hypothetical spending cut/tax increase deal.

From Alhambra Partners, Joe Calhoun analyzes Greece and the Eurozone.

From The Money Illusion, Scott Sumner argues monetary policy is at its tightest since Herbert Hoover.

On TGSN, Ralph Benko recounts the Democratic Party split of 1896 over gold.

At International Liberty, Dan Mitchell notes the President’s wise economic advice… to other nations.

From The WSJ, Stephen Moore discusses the possibility that the House could go Democrat:

CNBC reports Goldman Sachs predicts monetary easing from the Fed (h/t: Drudge).

In The NYT, Bruce Bartlett examines income changes at the top and bottom of the spectrum.

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