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Wednesday summary: Lehrman on gold; Zoellick on the euro; Goldman on California and Wisconsin.

From TGSN, Lew Lehrman argues the gold standard would raise savings and restore economic growth and full employment.

In The WSJ, Stephen Moore suggests the country is still center-right.

On The Kudlow Report, Robert Zoellick discusses the Eurozone:

The NY Sun suggests the Walker recall is a hinge moment for the labor movement.

TGSN recounts the Federal Reserve’s creation.

On PJ Media, David Goldman notes California and Wisconsin’s high tax rates.

The WSJ highlights CBO’s latest analysis of the growing debt.

From First Trust, Brian Wesbury predicts the economy will continue to grow slowly.

At The WSJ, James Freeman discusses the Keynesian spending proposed by Paul Krugman and Larry Summers.

At CNBC, Paul Ames notes flat-tax Estonia’s success under the euro.

In The WSJ, Marian Tupy and Craig Richardson noteZimbabwe’s growth since it dollarized its economy.

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