Remembering the “Zeus” of Supply-Side Economics Robert Mundell
At Forbes, Brian Domitrovic remembers the “Zeus” of Supply-Side Economics Robert Mundell.
At Forbes, Brian Domitrovic remembers the “Zeus” of Supply-Side Economics Robert Mundell.
Taxes and Spending At KMJ Now, Stephen Moore slams Biden’s spending plans. At Forbes, Steve Forbes warns that Congress may use billions in taxpayer dollars
Policy and Government At Forbes (via YouTube), Steve Forbes skewers Biden’s infrastructure plan. At Fox Business, Larry Kudlow warns that Biden’s infrastructure plan will re-inflate
Unleash Prosperity Hotline – Weekend EditionIssue #25604/02/2021, 04/03/2021, 04/04/2021 1) Biden’s Big Government Juggernaut Rolls on Doesn’t it sometimes seem like we are the undermanned and outgunned
Unleash Prosperity HotlineIssue #25504/01/2021 1) The States Strike Back With every passing day, it is clear that Biden is planning the greatest assault on federalism and states’
Unleash Prosperity HotlineIssue #25403/31/2021 1) Americans Are High-Tailing it Out of Cities with Riots Let us hope and pray that after the verdict is announced in the
Unleash Prosperity HotlineIssue #25303/30/2021 1) Schumer’s Gambit: Senate Rules Are for Thee Not for Me “Budget reconciliation” is an arcane and long standing Senate rule allowing budget
Unleash Prosperity HotlineIssue #25203/29/2021 1) Blue States Losing Congressional/Electoral Votes After 2020 Census Count A constant theme of these pages is the meltdown of blue state America.
Policy and Government At Fox Business, Larry Kudlow calls Biden’s infrastructure plan the ‘largest expansion of the welfare state since the Johnson administration.’ At WBAP,
Policy and Government At KMJ Now, Stephen Moore points to early signs of inflation. At Forbes (via YouTube), Steve Forbes warns that a bubble burst