CNBC reports President Trump may bypass Nancy Pelosi and cut taxes again!
Policy and Government In The Hill, Andrew Yang claims his microphone was not on during parts of the Democratic debate. In the Washington Examiner, Jenna
Policy and Government In The Hill, Andrew Yang claims his microphone was not on during parts of the Democratic debate. In the Washington Examiner, Jenna
Policy and Government Kevin O’Leary hypes up his FreedomFest debate with Whole Foods CEO John Mackey. Garvin Jabusch says trade wars hurt the middle class.
Stephen Moore brilliantly turns the tables on liberal journalist David Wessel; Corrects the record on tax lien and White House ties. Check out @StephenMoore calling
Policy and Government On Squawk Box, Stephen Moore calls out David Wessel for smearing him. Washington Business Journal reports on Bill Gates’s recent speech at
Policy and Government At the Institute for Global Economic Growth, Richard Rahn celebrates Arthur Laffer’s legacy. Fox News reports that the FBI’s release of hundreds of pages
Policy and Government On What’s Ahead, Steve Forbes and Mark Mills discuss how robots will make us more productive. Dan Mitchell presents his tribute to
By Jon Decker Excerpt from the National Pulse Recently, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) unveiled a proposal that would cap credit card
Stephen Moore: Arthur Laffer revolutionized the world with his economic theory. Fred Barnes: “Laffer was right.” Ralph Benko: “The $100 Trillion Man.” Fox News: “Trumponomics
Excerpt from Nathan Williamson From the American Thinker: President Donald Trump is awarding Dr. Arthur Laffer — the “Father of Supply-Side Economics” — the Presidential
Policy and Government **Committee to Unleash Prosperity thanks Tony Sayegh for his service at Treasury Department.** On CNBC, Director Kudlow discusses trade. CNBC reports Kevin