In both 1996 and 2000, Mr. Forbes campaigned vigorously for the Republican nomination for the Presidency. Key to his platform were a flat tax, medical savings accounts, a new Social Security system for working Americans, parental choice of schools for their children, term limits, and a strong national defense.

Stephen Moore Rips Biden’s Spending Proposals and Electric Car Plan
Taxes and Spending At Newsmax, Stephen Moore rips Biden’s spending proposals and electric car plan. At Rasmussen Reports, Moore opines that ‘Americans are getting ripped

Remembering 50 Years Since Nixon Severed the Last Link to Gold
Monetary Policy At The News Republic, Bruce Bartlett reminds us of the day “Nixon Changed Economic Policy Forever.” At The New York Sun, Art Laffer

Steve Forbes Argues that a Binge by the Federal Reserve is to Blame for Current Inflation
Monetary Policy At Fox Business, Steve Forbes argues that a binge by the Federal Reserve is to blame for current inflation. Taxes and Spending At

Phil Kerpen Joins Laura Ingraham to Discuss School Closures and Mask Use Among Children
Regulation and Policymaking At Fox News, Phil Kerpen joins Laura Ingraham to discuss school closures and mask use among children. Washington Post reports conservative groups