Biden’s Electric Kool Aid Acid Test
Unleash Prosperity Hotline – Weekend EditionIssue #34308/06/2021, 08/07/2021, 08/08/2021 1) Biden’s Electric Kool Aid Acid Test Are we the only ones who think there is something off
Unleash Prosperity Hotline – Weekend EditionIssue #34308/06/2021, 08/07/2021, 08/08/2021 1) Biden’s Electric Kool Aid Acid Test Are we the only ones who think there is something off
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Unleash Prosperity Hotline – Weekend EditionIssue #33807/30/2021, 07/31/2021, 08/01/2021 1) Your Tax Dollars Hard at Work As Congress continues to spend and borrow trillions upon trillions of dollars like they are
Unleash Prosperity HotlineIssue #33707/29/2021 1) Welcome to the Stupid Party We’ve said it often that what has afflicted Capitol Hill over the past year and a half
Unleash Prosperity HotlineIssue #33607/28/2021 1) Biden CDC Descends Further Into Madness The optimistic take is that the White House launched yesterday’s masking circus to distract from the
Unleash Prosperity HotlineIssue #33507/27/2021 1) NEW CTUP STUDY: Biden’s Double Death Tax Destroys Up to a Million Jobs, Costs the Economy $10,000 Per Household A new
Unleash Prosperity HotlineIssue #33407/26/2021 1) Democrats Were Against Trump’s Vaccine Before They Were For It Democrats and the media are hammering red state voters – especially