Dr. Paul KO’s Dr. Fauci
Unleash Prosperity Hotline Issue #122 9/24/2020 1) Dr. Paul KO’s Dr. Fauci Dr. Rand Paul gave a near perfect recitation of the current facts and evidence:
Unleash Prosperity Hotline Issue #122 9/24/2020 1) Dr. Paul KO’s Dr. Fauci Dr. Rand Paul gave a near perfect recitation of the current facts and evidence:
Unleash Prosperity Hotline Issue #117 9/17/2020 1) Biden: If It Moves, Tax it. If it Makes a Profit, Tax it. If it Dies, Tax It Again!
Unleash Prosperity Hotline Issue #116 9/16/2020 1) Record High Income and Low Poverty in 2019 Real median household in 2019 increased $4,379 over 2018, 6.8%. More
Unleash Prosperity Hotline Issue #115 9/15/2020 1) Stop the Pelosi Blue State Bailout! Our new report from Steve Moore and Dr. EJ Anton, published jointly
Unleash Prosperity Hotline Issue #114 9/14/2020 1) Biden Would Force Millions of Workers into Unions The great Mark Mix, president of the National Right to Work Committee,
Unleash Prosperity Hotline Issue #107 9/2/2020 1) Queen Nancy Breaks Lockdown Rules To Get Her Hair Done We’ve often referred to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Policy and Government On Real Clear Markets, John Tamny says the lockdown religion has caused global suffering. In the NY Post, Jacob Sullum says the
Download link: CTUP Liability Study. ***Limit Coronavirus Liability to Promote Jobs and Growth*** by Jon Decker on Scribd
By Phil Kerpen After an early bureaucratic disaster – the feds banned private sector tests and failed to deliver a test that worked – the
The Phase 4 stimulus negotiations are a train wreck for GOP. There is no possible positive outcome. Except…this strategy could be a game-changer for the