John Tamny takes John Cochrane to the woodshed for his gold standard bashing.
Policy and Government In the American Spectator, Veronique de Rugy says new metrics can tell us how hot the job market really is. Art Carden
Policy and Government In the American Spectator, Veronique de Rugy says new metrics can tell us how hot the job market really is. Art Carden
Policy and Government In the Washington Post, Andy Puzder says Democrats have a problem – Good economic news. Monetary The NY Sun in an extremely well researched
Policy and Government On Fox Business, Director Kudlow says the economy is booming. Monetary At Forbes.com, Nathan Lewis tells us all we need to know
By Mark Sanford Excerpt from The Daily Caller: Ross Perot’s death marks the end of an extraordinary life well-lived. I am sure that many others
Monetary In the WSJ, James Grant says the Fed could use a golden rule. CNBC reports Director Kudlow extends an invitation to AOC to discuss
Policy and Government In the Claremont Review of Books, “Keynes’s Last Stand,” Prof. Brian Domitrovic reviews Lord Skidelsky’s latest book on Keynes, Money and Government. Monetary From Bloomberg,
Policy and Government CNBC reports Virginia is America’s top state for business in 2019. Monetary At Forbes.com, Nathan Lewis celebrates Judy Shelton’s nomination to the
Policy and Government Visual Capitalist maps the flow of the world’s plastic. At AIER, Art Carden says almost everything people say about big business is
Policy and Government At Forbes.com, Alejandro Chafuen says Arthur Laffer’s Medal of Freedom honors centuries of moral economics. From Forbes.com, Brian Domitrovic says government work
Policy and Government David Brooks at the New York Times is upset at how ridiculously far left the Democrats are moving. Kristiff at The NY